New Zealand’s (NZ) oldest and most trusted name in forestry
From its Inception NZ Forest Products Group is a formidable force in the Forestry Industry both in the domestic and export markets.
New Zealand Forest Products Group traditionally buys blocks of trees as woodlots standing although other methods of purchase are available this method takes all the risk oft of it for the Forestry Investor they know exactly what they are going to receive and exactly when they are receiving the funds
Bulk logs are sent to the wharf at all closest NZ ports offering bulk log loading facilities and prices change monthly. There are a a number of factors that influence the profitability of all forest harvesting – tree quality, tending history, topography, road access quality, harvesting difficulty, sales options & prices, will all impact on the net return from the harvest of your trees. We can assess these factors and readily explain the key drivers to the timber value likely to be attained from your forest, given the prevailing market conditions.
We seek competitive pricing from several log exporters where we operate to allow sales decisions to be made, with the aim of maximizing the Owners net profit.
To get an expert assessment on the potential value of your forest or woodlot, please give us a call to discuss.
The second alternative is Shipping by container this is also viable if you are close to a shipping port designed to handle bulk containers such as Auckland or Wellington.
NZFPG also has arrangements with Domestic NZ Sawmills who cut and pack containers with radiata Treated and Untreated pine which is used extensively in the furniture manufacturing Business.
So no matter what your requirement please talt to US first we can assure you of excellent product and excellent service.
Predominantly all NZFPG containers are loaded at the companies ports operations centre in Albany Auckland.